One Hundred Days: Day One
You never know when you teach someone something how useful you will find the information yourself.
I bought an elegant walking cane for my mother, she was a very elegant person. And I taught her how to use it.
Today, what I knew about using a walking cane was the most important thing I needed to know.
Two days ago I broke my ankle in three places and will not have use of my right foot for at least 7 weeks and maybe longer. The walking cane helped me get in and out of the wheelchair (more on that tomorrow), on and off the couch and in and out of bed. It helped me take control of my life again…. just a little bit.
Yesterday, January 26th I learned that the recuperation journey will be about 100 days; that’s this week added to the 3 months or 12 weeks after my ankle surgery scheduled for next Monday. So this is my personal diary ONE HUNDRED DAYS; it’s really self- therapy to help me deal with the days to come …….. however it will also keep friends and foe alike updated right here on my Images of Life blog
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