One Hundred Days: Day Four
Why is patience a virtue? Why can’t I buy more patience online? Those were my first thoughts today as I woke up feeling very impatient with myself and with life. Then I remembered something I had read recently ” Patience is the virtue we exercise to take advantage of the time we have.”
So instead of “how can I get through the long day” my focus changed to what can I accomplish in the available time today.
This is what I did today:
I washed two loads of Laundry with the help of Pam.
I swept the kitchen with a broom (LOL from a wheelchair).
I wrote an email to Dr.Mark Reed (the Orthopedic surgeon who will do my surgery on Monday.
I contacted Jon Gissel who does my acupuncture treatment to have him be on stand-bye on Monday. I am very receptive to Acupuncture as a solution to pain.
I went over a site plan looking at existing and proposed changes on a building project.
I watched the two guys from Grasshopper mowing build my wheel chair ramp to the front door (they offered to give me a ride on mower to get around:-)
I talked to First Green Bank. An environmentally focused Bank… check it out
I checked out the designer grab rail which my fab partner installed as soon as it arrived; it’s form and function! I also enjoyed the roses he brought for me yesterday ( iPhone shot above)
I had a tasty dinner with my good friend Marion; she brought the dinner which gave my carer a break! Actually I am becoming more useful in the kitchen, and continue to be pleased how wheelchair friendly my house design is.
The best advice I received today was from my neighbor Mebs and this is what she wrote: Years ago I had an ankle fusion and had to be casted and off my ankle for 6 mo. The whole experience turned out to be a positive one and this was my therapy. I took my wheelchair out on the porch and pretended I was on a cruise. I followed the sun and had my book, sewing, painting equipment ,watched the ever-changing water, the birds and Chip provided room service ! A most pleasant trip indeed.
Exactly: ” Patience is the virtue we exercise to take advantage of the time we have.”
Stay tuned for Day Five.
On January 26th I learned that the recuperation journey will be about 100 days; that’s this week added to the 12 weeks after my ankle surgery scheduled for next Monday. So this is my personal diary ONE HUNDRED DAYS; it’s really self- therapy to help me deal with the days to come …….. however it will also keep friends and foe alike updated right here on my Images of Life blog, or check the list below in case you have missed one.
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