One Hundred Days: Day Seven

Hardware update completed ~ unlike updated computer hardware I hope this one will last for 30 years...
My surgery yesterday at 7.30 in the morning was 2 hours and I came out of the anesthetic fast they said . Dr Tim Higgins, the anesthesiologist had done a knee block (using ultra sound to find the nerve location) and this lasted pretty much until 12.20am (that’s about 17 hours)
I had already taken the pain killers and anti-nausea medsĀ when the pain kicked in ( after nerve block wore off) and I had created an an excel sheet as to when and how I needed to orchistrate my pain management strategy … I did not let the pain get ahead of the curve.
Dr.Mark Reed did the surgery, 10 screws in all and a stainless plate on the ankle inside. James talked to him afterwards and asked him why he couldn’t have put the screws in straighter! Spoken like a true antique wooden boat restorer
When SOC (Seattle Ostopedic Clinic) let me go around 11.45am we headed down the road to my acupuncturist, Jon Gissel. Jon practices the Master Tung mindset and 2 needles got my nausea under control, feeling ready to tackle the drive home and promoted healing. And then we raced, literally raced to make the 3PM ferry, arriving too late for our reservation but we were able to use the medical priority to gain access to the ferry.
Today, 28 hours later I have pain under control, I can still feel things and as I write this more so…..I may have to double up on my 1pm though. The ankle cast is very heavy so either I have to lift it myself when getting up or James has to. I could sure use an extra pair of hands. They say the first 2-3 days are all important for pain level and resting while keeping ankle above the heart. After I post this, that may be it for the computer today,
James is doing a superb job of caring, which includes making delicious gourmet meals. He feels he has to, even when I order very simple. Not easy for him to be so structured to the clock, and live by my excel indicating what I need and when ~which is exactly the way one has to be when taking meds…. some meds with food, some without….
I am still using the Hospice loaner wheelchair to move around when I have to and this might very well become the new normal for the 100 days.
So what’s next? The cast will come off hopefully next Wednesday at SOC and I will get a boot. No weight on my foot and that also means no driving for 12 weeks.
Thanks to everyone for your very supportive emails and calls. I really feel all your support and healing waves!
If you missed my previous posts and are interested they are below.
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