One Hundred Days: Day Ten
Dragons in the sky…sometimes we give context when there is none….we add meaning …..
So when you see a Dragon in the sky what does this mean? Today it felt like the Dragon was looking out for me.
My challenge today was finding the balance between taking control or letting the pain suppressors continue to do their thing. I cut back the nasty stuff by 50% last night and then deleted it for 8 hours. No significant set back in the pain department and considerable improvement in my clarity. That’s a significant milestone in my current journey! This should allow me to be productive moving forward.
On the lighter side today, my partner for life and carer James went to look at a Harley Davidson golf cart…. an older model used in recent years to ferry grandchildren to the beach. Unfortunately it was not running so James couldn’t take it for a test drive…. he’ll check back on Saturday….but do I really need a Harley golf cart? James says everyone needs a HOG!
You can read more about my injury on day seven or follow the journey below if you are interested. Remember I am writing this as therapy:-)
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