One Hundred Days: Day Twelve
As some of you know I am an advocate of Master Tung’s Acupuncture, and even visited one of his remaining direct disciples in Taipei a few years ago. Today, Jon Gissel Seattle Master Tung practitioner flew in to see me via Kenmore Air float plane.
I am fortunate that I am very in tune with Acupuncture. For those who don’t know, it is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine – it has been tried and tested and been practiced for thousands of years in China and the Far East. It has been developed, tested, researched and refined over centuries to give us a complex and detailed understanding of the body’s energetic balance.
There are some Western medicine institutions that embrace Acupuncture and it is gaining acceptance and often recommended and integrated as part of the whole treatment process in “trauma” situations such as mine. I need to bring my broken, traumatized and reconstructed ankle back into balance. The ankle needs to find balance with the stainless steel parts and fuse with them as though they were an integral part of my mechanical foot structure.
It’s not voodoo and not being poked by hundred’s of needles randomly and when I’ve told people how it has alleviated pain fast in my case, it”s not just because the pain is in my head! Study the chart above if you can……
Jon is also a practitioner of Cranial Sacral Therapy which I describe as feather-lite massage. I truly think the name Cranial Sacral is very misleading… and until you have experienced it for yourself you can’t conceive of the benefits. Today Jon focused on the broken ankle (Yes, through the cast) and focused on my left foot which is now having to do all the support and pivoting so I get to where I want to be; mainly in and out of a wheelchair.
Subjectively I was able to feel my leg and foot within the cast without pain or discomfort. It felt as though there was a layer of warm air around my foot within the cast, that’s the best way I can describe this. Jon said it would help the bone fuse with the metal, or rather be in balance with it so it could fuse. He said it was analogous to harmony in radio waves… maybe getting too complex here. Anyway after the massage my ankle felt the very best since the accident.
Many of you who know me, know that I don’t share things like this. However, after all this is my therapy and I’m writing this evening just for that…..
If you missed any other of my posts and are interested please see below.
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