One Hundred Days: Day Fifteen

Just when you think you have things all worked out, you realize they don’t really work anymore and you have to change, modify, pivot your strategy or plan. That is the similarity between the StartUp and recuperation journey.
Yesterday’s plan is not the best focus for today. When you are recuperating and something works, your first inclination is ….Oh we need a lot more of that! Well, that was yesterday and it doesn’t work quite so well today. In 24 hours a lot can change, what was imperative yesterday like pain killers may not be needed today; you’ve advanced to the next step of the healing process…moved through the pain barrier onto the next issue.
So what will my next focus be after tomorrow when the cast comes off, and the stitches in the incisions are removed?
How soon will I focus on pivoting my ankle to see if everything works mechanically just like it should.
Dr.Mark Reed, my Orthopedic surgeon was a mechanical engineer and it was this earlier path that led him to focus on the complexity of the foot and ankle and become a specialist in this field.
Stay tuned……..
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