One Hundred Days: Day Seventeen

How can a Medical facility sell a MaxTrax boot for $350.00, which is for sale on Amazon for less than $100? Is it the same product? Do mark-ups vary that much when a product is prescribed by a Doctor? ? Which layer in the chain is taking the biggest cut?
This wasn’t the only thing I thought about today… I am assuming the insurance will cover the cost……but as I go through the recuperation journey I am very aware what could have been saved by more efficient process. My costly stop at the ER could definitely have been avoided if I had received a referral to Dr.Reed directly at SOC, a referral I am extremely pleased to have had which came via my stop at Northgate Hospital ER.
I didn’t spend an awful lot of time on this today, instead I made calls, sent emails and focused on our current Design/Build project. It feels like the really first productive day in over two and a half weeks.
On the next sunny day I am going to wheel through the french doors in my bedroom and look at the view in the image above. It’s just out of range from inside the house……
Conclusion: You can have fun working at what you do when you are recuperating.
Challenge: Learning the ins and outs of the boot, and how to cut a toenail while wearing it:-)
Interesting read: Medical Identity Theft: Why You Should Worry
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