One Hundred Days: Presidents Day

Things are often not what they seem! Look closely the Deer is not really being offered as a tasty dish! Well, that could be a great opening for a politically focused post, appropriate for Presidents Day; but not happening here.
This image could also lead to the philosophical discussion ~ how do you know what is real? Which is the true reality? And this might lead to a current concern parents have when their children are so immersed in a digital fantasy universe that they fear their might be a confusion between realities?
I really think my recuperation is real and that I’ve made enough progress to move to the next step tomorrow; meaning have the stitches out that were necessary to facilitate the hardware upgrade two weeks ago to my right ankle. I hope I am not disappointed again.
Stay tuned………I’ll update later tomorrow or Wednesday.
Conclusion: Don’t always trust what you see
Challenge: Waiting for tomorrow
Interesting Read: Big Brother is Now Determining Your Hireability
If you are interested in my previous posts they are curated on the elegant Listly list below. This post is Twenty-One in the series.
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