One Hundred Days: Day Thirty-Five

I’ve never been one of those people who takes a long time getting up in the morning. I’ve always been the one to take care of others, including the pets! Now it’s all different it takes me close to two hours to get ready in the morning! That means get ready before I start my actual workday!
I’ve been getting up at around six and Tai Chi is a happy Bengal cat as he can head out early! I experience dawn and the beautiful early morning light every day and this in itself an is uplifting experience. The misty mornings are a special treat.
Get ready means adaptive Tai Chi exercises, Alphabet and Achillies exercises and all that needs to be done in the care and feeding department of the recuperating ankle… and then getting dressed and doing all the usual morning things, but at slow speed! When I get backĀ to normal I’m going to gain two hours everyday or almost as I plan to continue my exercise regimen.
Even sitting all day Chef Sylvia thought I had lost weight, however if she stayed with us longer I’d put it back on again for sure. Doing this 100 day recuperation journey, focused and writing about it here is getting me inspired to do a 100 day slim-down journey and lose that extra 20lbs that have become weight-loss resistant in recent years. It’s a just a matter of focus and writing about it as therapy is like having an accountability partner.
Conclusion: Once you get in the groove of committed, and doing things that are scheduled it’s easy to apply this to other areas of your life!
Challenge: To not get discouraged by doing things “Oh so slow!”
My recuperation rambles are below ~ the more recent ones are on page two of this elegant list by Listly
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