One Hundred Days: Day Thirty-Six
This is the Shark Reef community; pictured are Cormorants, California Gulls and Harbor seals! Hidden are an assortment of fish and crustaceans! This is the rocky landmark I can see from my deck which reveals whether the tide is in or out.
As the tides ebb and flow, and the seasons change so does the resident community change.
I’ve been thinking about communities and especially those where people interact exclusively online! Do they really differ so much to this wildlife community, a community because they have the common purpose of sharing a rock and perhaps partaking in the food supply associated with it!
Online communities ebb and flow with online sentiment, often influenced by fashion, buzz and trends! Members share a common purpose…..sometimes a more loose “organic” purpose and sometimes shared passion creates tremendous momentum….
Why is this on my radar? Well I’m thinking of creating a community, small and very niche….. stay tuned.
That’s what you do a lot of, thinking that is…… when you are recuperating….
If you are interested in my other recuperation rambles check out the Listy list below……the more recent posts are on page two.
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